Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Army rethinks plan....

In the Austin American statesman i read an article about how as of now we have 42,000 soldiers in europe, that is just the army alone. The original plan was to cut back on our european soldiers to only 32,000. Although this may not interest you it does me because my younger brother is 18, graduated high school a semester early and is currently at boot camp at ft. Benning, Ga. I just recieved a letter from my brother telling me that he will be shipped out to italy in may after he gets out of his training. Althouh the plan is to cut back, General Carter Ham, the head of army troops located in europe has changed his mind and feels that our troops are needed over there, and cutting back will help with our allies. They also mention that these troops have recently and in the past have helped with our wars in afganastan and iraq. Interesting again because my brother will be deployed to afganastan in october of this year, after being in europe. Although my wish is that gen Hams plan does not go through, because i would like to see my brother closer home. On a broader note, i think the war has been going on for way too long, too many lives have been taken, enough families have been broken and more than enough damage has been made to our country. We stand tall still but it is most definately time to bring our troops home and end this war.

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